Managing Household Chemicals
Residential Disposal
Residents of Lucas, Marion, Monroe, and Poweshiek Counties can manage household chemicals, also called household hazardous wastes (HHW), in several free area programs.
Mobile Events
Mobile collection events are held regularly in Pella, Grinnell, Chariton, Knoxville, and Albia.
Check the Agency Web site,, for dates.
Listed below are examples of items that may be brought to the events.
For questions about what is hazardous, call the Metro Waste RCC at 888-603-CREW.
Items to Bring
Oil based paint and stains
Paint removers, thinners
Contact cement / glue / epoxy
Pesticides / rodent poisons
Drain or oven cleaners
Gasoline / kerosene
Metal polishes / tile cleaners
Antifreeze / Motor oil
Needles (sharps)
Do Not Bring
Latex Paint
Auto batteries
Fire Extinguishers
Propane tanks
Permanent Area Collection
A permanent local drop off is available for residential HHW at the SCISWA Landfill near Tracy.
Call 641-828-8545 with any questions or to set up an appointment. In addition to the items listed above, waste oil, waste oil filters, and auto batteries may be brought to the Landfill or Transfer Station at no cost.
Small Businesses
Qualified businesses, churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations can deliver hazardous waste to a mobile event or the permanent area collection at the Landfill. Call 641-828-8545 in advance for an appointment and fee information.