Brooklyn Iowa

Garbage & Recycling

Brooklyn contracts with Audas Sanitation out of Montezuma, Iowa for all our Garbage and Recycling needs.

In Brooklyn, you pay a $16.00 recycling charge if you recycle or not. It is charged on the monthly Utility Bill. If you do not have a recycling cart at your house, they are available at City Hall. They are free and we offer delivery.

Cardboard, Paper, Plastic and Tin Cans may be recycled.  It is mixed recycling so throw everything in your bin.  When full set out by the curb to be picked up.

Your garbage is paid by buying stickers.  The stickers are $2.00 each and may be put on any bag of your choice up to a 40lb limit.  No garbage will be picked up without the Audas Sanitation sticker on the bag.  They are available at City Hall and Brooklyn Grocery.


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